Gardner Cryogenics

As we continue to grow to meet the needs of the hydrogen and helium cryogenic storage and transportation markets, we now have additional manufacturing capacity, further in-house cryogenic and non-cryogenic capabilities, and an expanded skilled labor workforce. Gardner’s qualified workforce of welders, technicians and supporting staff remain with us, providing the same high level of quality and services to which our customers are accustomed.

  • Welding services for special alloy materials and applications such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, monel, low alloy steel and nickel-steel alloys such as nickel, hastelloy and inconel
  • Engineering and Design services designed to minimize your cost and maximize the level of expertise accessible to you
  • Custom fabricated, skid mounted process systems covering a broad range of sizes and applications
  • Certified pressure vessels that meet most global standards
  • Rigid and flexible vacuum jacketed piping systems for all cryogenic services

With a proven track record across a broad range of industries and applications, we’re ready to serve as a trusted partner for all of your cryogenic, vessel, instrumentation, and piping needs.

Some of the projects we have been involved in include:

  • High temperature skidded systems – These systems consisting of ASME certified vessels and our services include installation of all instrument tubing, and electrical interconnect wiring to a common control panel along with high temperature ceramic insulation.
  • Cryogenic refrigeration system – System built with ASME certified vessel, liquid pumps, and various valves and controls all packaged and contained within a very compact, skid mounted, super insulated vacuum jacketed cold box and can include a separate combination vacuum jacketed filter/flow metering skid as well as installation by our team.
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG) vaporizers – Custom formed ASME certified stainless-steel tube bundles, all welded into a header manifold system and packaged into a common housing with separately mounted but integral, skid-mounted external process gas circuits, controls and instrumentation to re-gasify liquid natural gas for import terminals worldwide.

Please complete the form below and let us know how we can help with your vessel, instrumentation, and piping needs. A team member will contact you shortly.

    For service and support, please call +1 610 967 1525.

    For service and support, please call +1 610 266 3700 or click here.